

Hunting with barking bird dogs

What time of year do you hunt with tree bark hunting dogs?

Tree bark hunting or hunting with barking bird dogs is conducted with great advantage from the hunt starts 25/8 until the snow becomes too deep to get to the dog. So even if the form of hunting is most effective at the beginning of the season, it can largely be conducted as long as the snow depth allows it. This means that you can get a lot out of your dog and your hunting days with the dog during the season.

How does the hunt go?

When hunting with tree barking dogs, the dog's task is to find a bird on the ground or already sitting in a tree. Most often, it finds the trail of the bird on the ground (the run) and follows the trail to scare the bird into trees. Alternatively, it feels that a bird is already sitting in a tree and locates it with the help of weathering and its sharp hearing. Once the dog has located the bird in the tree, it should bark with an even, dense bark so that it makes the bird feel safe. The sound of bark hides your sneak up to the tree. An article about caliber and ammunition selection for this type of hunt can be found at

Procedure for finding the bird

To locate the bird in the tree, I usually try to see where the dog is looking when it barks. The dog usually looks at the bird with a steady gaze, which gives me a great chance to discover it before it discovers me. A good hand binoculars (8 * 32) is preferable as it is relatively easy to carry with you when hunting. As the distance is usually about 20-70 m, I do not recommend more than 8 times magnification of the binoculars, with more magnification it is easy for the image to be too detailed. And it is usually the whole, or rather some detail that disturbs the whole of the tree that usually makes me discover the bird.

Last but not least, never rush into the scene. If the bird has been sitting for 5 minutes, it will probably sit until you frighten it, so with that in mind, take the time you need to get there.

The sneak 

Be sure to hide light areas on the body and avoid crunchy clothes, the bird usually reacts with immediate flight when it detects you. Hands, face, etc. I usually have face nets and gloves to hide the skin. Try to plan the sneaking already when you see approximately where the dog and bird is located. Set up a sneak that will keep you hidden right up until your shooting position. Crawl or squat depending on protection. If possible, have a tree between you and where the bird is until you are in a position to release shoots.

Hope this will help you towards a more successful hunt!