

Jaktkläder från Bearskin
Midlayer Jacket från Bearskin. Jacka specialiserad för jakt.

Sneak hunting

Sneak hunting is conducted depending on the game type and season. For example, the hunt for roe deer can be conducted both as sneak hunting and vigil hunting. It is not uncommon to sneak up in certain parts of a terrain, on your way to an intended stand where you are going to sit for a long time. Otherwise, the form of hunting can be conducted on most of Sweden's game species. Sneak hunting almost always feeds on the use of quiet, robust clothes with the right color for the surroundings, otherwise the animals will usually notice the approaching hunter. This form of hunting is well suited for those who do not like to sit still for long periods of time but rather have an active role in seeking out prey.

Choice of weapon

In sneak hunting, you usually choose weapons with good precision and stability rather than a weapon that is easy to carry but with poor stability. A heavier weapon is usually preferred with a high-magnifying binocular sight that offers good opportunities for safe shots. Depending on the type of game, you use a caliber with the right class affiliation for the game you are referring to. The use of hand binoculars in sneak hunting is a success factor. As it is perceived much less by the game when you look slowly forward with one, as opposed to having to raise the rifle every time you see something suspicious that needs to be checked out.

When sneaking, you should keep in mind that hands and face should preferably not be visible, it can be much easier to mask yourself with face nets and gloves than to smear yourself with camouflage paint, but both ways work. The important thing is that the animal you are sneaking on does not perceive you and your movements.

Sneak hunting - considerations

When you sneak, take your time, if you are in a hurry, you will destroy more situations than you create by being in a hurry. Stay hidden as much as possible, avoid open spaces. Wear clothes and shoes that are quiet to move in.