Battue - what is it?
Battue is for many what hunting is all about as it offers both excitement and high speed. The hunt is one of the most common hunts, especially in the southern half of Sweden.
Battue is a form of hunting that involves driving the animals in the woods in front of hunters, dog handlers and / or beaters. In the sow, the shooters are placed on stand and there are often several dog handlers and shooters on the ground at the same time. You often sit as a stand shooter in a hunting tower to get a good overview, but also to get a good shooting point.
Battue is led by the hunt leader, who usually has a review beforehand. As beat hunting means that there is a lot of movement in the woods, both by animals and dog handlers, safety is very important,.There are many aspects to take into account, such as shooting directions. In addition, the assessment of whether the game is shootable or not, must be considered in often fast shooting situations at short range.
Choice of weapon
Battue can look very different, depending on which game it is and what the ground looks like. The choice of weapon and ammunition is selected by which animals are to be hunted and the most common is that bullet weapons are used in battue of ungulates, while hail is common for small game. When hunting with a shotgun, low-magnification sight, or red dot sight without magnification at all, is often preferred.
Stand shooting
As a stand shooter, you often stand still on your pass during the whole sowing, which makes it easy to get cold, especially during the winter. Therefore, make sure to dress extra warm for this type of hunt. However, there are battues such as hare hunting where you can often move freely in passes. Most important of all, however, is probably to choose a low-magnifying sight that gives you the opportunity to shoot even at short distances.
Battue is allowed at different times of the year, depending on which game is hunted and where in the country the hunt is conducted. However, most game hunted is legal from the beginning of October to the beginning of February. Train hunting takes place only during the day.
As a dog handler or beater
As a dog handler, it is important to dress light and easy in order to get around the forest efficiently. It is also important to have a pair of sturdy and waterproof boots, or high boots. It is e.g. not uncommon to end up in the reeds to bump into wild boar. As a dog handler, it can also be good to have a slightly shorter rifle that is more flexible. Of course, a hunting knife and towline must always be carried with you so that the animals can be transported back to the slaughterhouse.
Good luck!